Weeks 3 & 4

During the second week I taught a lesson about Mesopotamian social classes and related them to levels in movement. The class had just learned about social classes in their reading, so they had a lot of information to add to our discussions, which I loved! I taught them a short sequence that used gestures and repetition to help them remember facts about Hammurabi's code, then I had them modify the movement to fit into different levels based on their assigned social class. The creative process was a little rough. I think I had the groups too big, so there were too many voices and making decisions was hard. I tried to walk around to each group and make sure they were being productive, and most of the time they were, but they definitely weren't working efficiently. A few of the groups produced really interesting shapes and sequences. One group in particular took a number from the phrase and wrote it out with their bodies. I loved seeing their creative thinking! Overall it was a good lesson and I learned a lot from it.

For the third week, I taught a lesson about the development of cuneiform. I focused on how pictographs were literal and cuneiform was abstract. I had the students play with literal versus abstract movement, and I think they had fun, but I think I did a poor job of real integrating the curriculum from both dance and social studies. I don't think I had enough substance from either side for it to be a really great lesson. The lesson was mostly just games, which was fun because the kids were active and engaged in creative thinking, but I wish I would have challenged them cognitively a bit more. One thing I did feel successful in was instructing their group creation activity. I decided to have smaller groups (after last weeks large group struggle) and I gave very clear instructions. They were able to the assignment very quickly and came up with some pretty impressive movement. As a whole, this lesson was not my best work, but I think executed it well and the class enjoyed it.


  1. Nice reflections! Way to take what you learned the previous week about group size, and change how you approached it the next time. I love the way you paired the dance concept with the curriculum. What a creative idea to teach about literal and abstract movement by introducing it with pictographs and cuneiform. Also, I love the picture with the post! Great enthusiasm, and great work!


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